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Managed Chat

Convert More Visitors

Treat website visitors exactly like you would an office visit - with a helpful and professional concierge. Managed Chat can help reduce your website bounce rate and increase your advertising ROI by engaging with more website visitors and turning them into leads.

How It Works

Managed Chat is a small applet that sits on your website. Visitors to your site can use Chat to contact a team of trained agents, 24/7. Our staff is trained to answer questions and help the user contact a person in your office.

24/7 Service


Our network of agents are available to engage with your website visitors all day, every day.

HIPAA Compliant Chat

HIPAA Compliant

Every chat is encrypted to protect patient privacy and ensure compliance with the law.

Industry Trained Staff

Industry Trained

Each of our agents are trained exclusively to support medical providers.

On average, Chat customers are seeing a 40% increase in leads!

- DoctorLogic

Connect With More Patients

With Managed Chat, you will have access to conversations our team had with your website visitors. We’ll send every conversation to your practice and you only pay for qualified leads.

Connect With Patients
Works with muliple clients

Never Miss a Conversation

DoctorLogic Chat also works beyond your website to better connect you to prospects:

  • Google Business Listings: Chat from search results
  • Call Connect: Transfer live chats to your practice
  • Mobile SMS: Real-time texting with agents

Add Managed Chat to Your Website

It’s easy. Contact us to get started with Managed Chat today.

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